Momentum is committed to upholding high ethical and quality standards for the content featured on our platform. We believe in promoting authenticity, creativity, and responsible content creation. To ensure a positive user experience and maintain the integrity of our platform, we have established the following ethical and quality standards:

We highly value originality and respect for intellectual property rights at Momentum. As an author on our platform, it is essential to create and upload content that is authentic, unique, and reflects your own creative vision. We have a strict policy against plagiarism and the unauthorized use of copyrighted material.

To ensure compliance with copyright laws and ethical practices, we expect all users to:

  • Create Original Content: Authors should produce content that is original and does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others. It should be the result of their own creative effort and not a direct copy or imitation of someone else's work.

  • Respect Copyrighted Material: Users must not upload or use content that is copyrighted or owned by others without obtaining proper authorization or licenses. This includes images, footage, music, sound effects, or any other copyrighted material.

  • Obtain Necessary Permissions: If you incorporate third-party content in your work, such as licensed music, stock footage, or images, it is your responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions and adhere to the terms of the licenses.

  • Attribute Properly: When using content that requires attribution, such as Creative Commons licensed material, it is important to provide the appropriate attribution as specified by the license terms.

  • Report Copyright Infringements: If you believe that your copyrighted work has been used or distributed on Momentum without authorization, please promptly report it to us at so that we can take appropriate actions.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors contribute to fostering a culture of respect for intellectual property and support a fair and ethical content ecosystem. We appreciate your commitment to creating original content and respecting the rights of others.

Please note that any violations of copyright laws or our content policy may result in the removal of the infringing material and potential account suspension or termination.

At Momentum, we strive to maintain a platform that promotes respect, diversity, and inclusivity while also recognizing the importance of addressing certain societal issues that may involve content depicting violence. We understand that there are instances where authors may need to utilize content that addresses such topics to raise awareness and initiate meaningful discussions.

However, it is crucial that authors handle such content responsibly and with sensitivity. When including content that portrays violence, authors should provide appropriate context, explanations, or warnings to ensure the audience understands the purpose behind its inclusion and to prevent the glorification or promotion of violence.

In these cases, we expect authors to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Contextualization: Authors should provide sufficient context to justify the inclusion of violent content and ensure it serves a legitimate purpose, such as shedding light on social issues, historical events, or promoting empathy and understanding.

  • Inclusivity and Diversity: We encourage the representation of diverse perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds in content creation. Authors should aim to create inclusive and respectful content that celebrates diversity and promotes understanding.

  • Responsible Presentation: Content containing violence should be presented in a way that does not unnecessarily sensationalize or exploit the subject matter. Authors should strive to maintain a balanced approach that respects the dignity and well-being of individuals or communities involved.

  • Trigger Warnings: When sharing content that may be disturbing or triggering, authors should consider including appropriate trigger warnings or content advisories to provide viewers with the choice to engage or disengage based on their personal comfort levels.

  • Constructive Discussions: Authors should actively encourage open and respectful discussions surrounding sensitive content. This allows for deeper understanding, empathy, and the exploration of potential solutions to the issues addressed.

By following these guidelines, authors can navigate the inclusion of violent content in a responsible and conscientious manner, ensuring that it serves a purpose of raising awareness and fostering positive change. We trust our community of authors to approach such content with care and sensitivity.

It's important to note that any instances of violence or potentially triggering content should be handled with the utmost consideration and caution. Our content moderation team will review each case on an individual basis to ensure it aligns with our ethical standards.

Adhering these standards, authors contribute to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all users on Momentum.

We rely on our community of users to report any violations they come across, and we take appropriate actions to address such issues promptly.

If you have any questions or concerns about the appropriate use of violent content on Momentum, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are here to assist you in creating impactful and responsible content that contributes positively to our community.

Accuracy and integrity are a high priority in moderating the content shared on our platform. We expect authors to provide truthful and reliable information about their content, ensuring transparency and avoiding any form of misleading or deceptive practices. Our community relies on accurate and trustworthy content to make informed decisions and engage with the platform confidently.

To maintain these standards, we require authors to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Truthfulness: Authors should ensure that all information provided about their content is accurate, factual, and represents the content truthfully. Misrepresenting facts, products, or services is not welcome here.

  • Authenticity: We place great importance on the authenticity of the content shared on our platform, particularly content from the Balkans. We strive to showcase the unique cultural heritage, diversity, and creativity of the region through original and genuine content. Authors should produce content that is original, showcasing their own creative vision and unique perspective. We encourage the exploration of Balkan themes, locations, and cultures, highlighting their richness and distinctiveness.

  • Reflect Balkan Identity: We encourage authors to create content that accurately represents the cultural, historical, and artistic aspects of the Balkans. By showcasing the region's heritage and traditions, authors contribute to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Balkan identity.

  • Clear Descriptions: When describing their content, authors should provide clear and concise information that accurately represents its nature, purpose, and any relevant details. This helps users finding the right piece of content and make informed decisions about engaging with the content.

  • Disclosure: If there are any sponsored or promotional elements within the content, authors should clearly disclose this information to maintain transparency with the audience.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors contribute to the trust and credibility of our platform. We encourage a culture of accuracy, honesty, and integrity, ensuring that users can rely on the information provided and have a positive experience on Momentum.

If you come across any content that you believe violates our standards or raises concerns about accuracy, please report it to our content moderation team. We appreciate your contribution to maintaining a high-quality and trustworthy environment for our community.

We believe that quality plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience and showcasing the creative value of the content. To ensure this, we have established the following guidelines:

  • Technical Excellence: We encourage authors to pay attention to technical aspects such as framing, composition, lighting, and sound. These elements contribute to the overall quality of the content and help create a visually and audibly engaging experience for the users.

  • Relevance and Category Alignment: Authors should ensure that their content is relevant to the intended category or theme. This helps users easily discover and access the content they are looking for. Aligning content with the appropriate category also enhances the overall organization and browsing experience on the platform.

  • Professional-level Craftsmanship: We value content that demonstrates professional-level craftsmanship and creative value. Authors are encouraged to showcase their expertise and artistic skills through their content submissions. This includes utilizing appropriate techniques, editing, and post-production processes to deliver content that stands out in terms of quality and creativity.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors contribute to the overall quality and integrity of the content available on Momentum. We appreciate the commitment of our authors in upholding these standards and ensuring a positive user experience for all.

Authors play a crucial role in ensuring that their content on Momentum complies with all relevant laws and regulations. It is important for authors to be aware of and adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Copyright Compliance: Authors should obtain the necessary permissions and licenses for any copyrighted material included in their content. This may include music, images, video clips, or other creative works. By respecting copyright laws, authors help protect the intellectual property rights of others.

  • Consent and Releases: If the content features recognizable individuals or private property, authors should obtain appropriate consent and releases. This applies to situations where individuals are identifiable or where private property is featured prominently. Consent and releases help protect the privacy and rights of individuals and property owners.

  • Compliance with Legal Requirements: Authors should ensure that their content complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes laws related to defamation, privacy, obscenity, hate speech, and any other legal restrictions specific to their jurisdiction. By complying with legal requirements, authors help maintain a safe and respectful environment on the platform.

It is the responsibility of authors to conduct the necessary due diligence and obtain any required permissions, licenses, or releases for their content. By doing so, authors contribute to the ethical and legal integrity of the platform, fostering a positive and trustworthy environment for all users.

Please note that while Momentum provides guidelines and support, it is ultimately the author's responsibility to ensure their content complies with legal requirements presented in our Terms of use,  Author Terms and License agreement.

Authors must respect the privacy rights of individuals and obtain appropriate permissions when featuring identifiable people or private locations in their content. This includes obtaining consent for any use of personal information or sensitive data.

Authors should prioritize the safety and well-being of themselves and others during the content creation process. At Momentum, we have a strong commitment to promoting ethical and responsible content. Therefore, we have established additional guidelines to ensure the safety and preservation of individuals, communities, animal and plant species, and the environment:

  • Non-violence and Harm: Content should not promote or glorify violence, harm, or endangerment of any individuals or communities. It should avoid depicting or encouraging activities that may cause physical or emotional harm.

  • Respect for Nature and Wildlife: Content should respect and protect the environment, including flora, fauna, and natural habitats. It should not involve or endorse activities that harm or exploit wildlife, endanger ecosystems, or contribute to environmental degradation.

  • Compliance with Animal Welfare Standards: Content involving animals should adhere to recognized animal welfare standards and regulations. It should avoid promoting practices that cause unnecessary suffering, abuse, or exploitation of animals.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Content should respect and celebrate cultural diversity, avoiding any form of cultural appropriation, misrepresentation, or exploitation. It should be mindful of cultural sensitivities and traditions.

  • Ethical Treatment of Subjects: Content involving individuals or communities should be produced with their informed consent and should respect their privacy, dignity, and rights. It should avoid exploiting vulnerable groups or perpetuating stereotypes.

  • Sustainable Practices: Content creators are encouraged to adopt sustainable practices during the production process. This includes minimizing waste, using eco-friendly materials and equipment, and promoting environmentally responsible behaviors.

  • Compliance with Legal Requirements: Authors should ensure their content complies with all applicable laws and regulations related to safety, environmental protection, animal welfare, and cultural sensitivity.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors on Momentum can contribute to a safe, responsible, and sustainable content ecosystem. We encourage all authors to embrace these principles and play an active role in promoting positive impact through their creative work.

At Momentum, we strive to maintain a respectful and inclusive community where all users can feel safe and comfortable. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment, bullying, or inappropriate behavior. We expect all users to engage in professional conduct and treat others with respect.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal or written abuse, including offensive or derogatory language.
  • Threats, intimidation, or stalking.
  • Discrimination or prejudiced behavior based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic.
  • Unwanted advances, requests for personal information, or unsolicited communications.
  • Posting or sharing explicit, offensive, or inappropriate content.

Authors on Momentum are required to adhere to the technical guidelines and requirements set forth by the platform. These guidelines cover various aspects of content upload, categorization, and metadata to ensure a consistent and organized user experience.

  • Content Upload: Authors should follow the specified formats and file requirements for uploading their content. This includes providing high-quality files that meet the platform's technical requirements.

  • Categorization: Authors should accurately categorize their content based on its type, genre, and relevant attributes. This helps users find and discover content more easily.

  • Metadata: Authors must provide accurate and descriptive metadata for their content. This includes titles, descriptions, keywords, and tags that accurately represent the content and its characteristics. It is important to provide relevant and informative metadata to assist users in understanding and finding the content they are looking for.

  • Compliance: Authors should ensure that their content complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and intellectual property rights. Content that violates copyright laws, infringes on trademarks, or includes unauthorized use of intellectual property is strictly prohibited.

By adhering to these guidelines and policies, authors contribute to a well-organized and user-friendly platform experience. This enables users to easily find, access, and engage with the content they are interested in. It also helps maintain a level playing field for all authors, promoting fairness and consistency in the platform's content ecosystem.

We encourage authors on Momentum to embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and growth in their creative craft. This involves actively seeking feedback, learning from experiences, and striving for excellence in the content they produce.

  • Embracing Feedback: Be open to receiving constructive feedback from users, peers, and the Momentum community. Feedback can provide valuable insights and perspectives that help authors enhance their skills, storytelling techniques, and overall content quality.

  • Learning from Experiences: View each  interaction as an opportunity for learning and growth. Reflecting on past experiences, analyzing successes and challenges by our data tools, and identifying areas for improvement can lead to refining their artistic vision and elevating the quality of their future content.

  • Striving for Excellence: We encourage strong commitment to delivering high-quality content that meets or exceeds industry standards. This involves honing your technical skills, exploring innovative approaches, and staying updated with the latest trends and best practices in your respective fields.

By embracing feedback, learning from experiences, and striving for excellence, authors can continually evolve their creative abilities and contribute to raising the overall quality of content available on Momentum. This not only benefits the authors themselves but also enhances the platform's reputation as a hub for exceptional and engaging audiovisual content from the Balkans.

By adhering to these ethical and quality standards, authors on Momentum contribute to the development of a vibrant and trustworthy content ecosystem. We reserve the right to review, moderate, and take appropriate action against any content that violates these standards. Users found in breach of the standards may face warnings, content removal, or account suspension.

Note: These ethical and quality standards are subject to updates and modifications as deemed necessary by Momentum to reflect evolving industry practices and community needs.